Coffee Organ Concert
Coffee Organ Concert
2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the Frobenius organ’s arrival in Oundle School Chapel. Oundle International Organ Week, as it was known then, was launched in 1985, bringing together students and performers from all over the world for one glorious week in the summer. We are celebrating with a year-long (give or take!) programme of events, running from this August through early autumn 2025 largely donated by our Alumni/ae, details of which will continue be published on our website as they are finalised.
The first events in our Fabulous 40! Celebrations will be recitals given by four of our illustrious tutors on the 2024 Creative Oundle for Organists Summer School. Join us! All of these events are free, and we look forward to welcoming you.
- What’s happening? An exciting performer on a jewel of an organ by Vincent Woodstock: the perfect combination!
- Who is performing? Versatile performer Neil Cockburn, born in Scotland but now based in Canada where he pursues a hugely successful and varied career, performs works by Bach, Dandrieu, and Rachel Laurin on the beautiful Vincent Woodstock organ. Enjoy a drink and the opportunity to hear works ranging from the 18th to 21st centuries on this beautiful instrument, in one of the area’s loveliest and most historic churches. Read more about Neil here.
- Where? St Mary and All Saints, Fotheringhay
- When? 11.00am with coffee and tea available from 10.30 am
- Prices and how to book: Free with a retiring collection, no booking necessary.
This recital is generously supported by the Margaret Saggerson Memorial Fund.
Meet Neil explaining how an organ works…