Your Community Needs You

How you can help support us
Creative Oundle is a registered charity, governed by a Board of volunteer Trustees and run by a small year-round team, which swells during busy periods to encompass temporary staff and volunteers. Like any charity, it relies heavily on the good will of its supporters, through our audiences, our volunteers, donations and of course Trust and Foundation grants. If you feel you would like to help us in our current work, and in the development of some of our plans for the future, we hope there is one or two options for you below:
Become a Friend
We have a wonderful Friends’ Membership scheme that offers some special benefits for those that join it for a very modest annual subscription of £30 (single membership) or £50 (joint membership). Benefits include:
- A priority booking period for our Summer events, helping to ensure tickets and the best views for those popular, sell out events.
- Discount on our Cinema screening tickets.
- Be part of the group of special supporters that help contribute to our work from the ground up.
To sign up to our Friends’ Membership scheme, use the button below and fill out the online form.
Become a volunteer
Volunteering for a cultural charity such as ours is not only good for the soul, but for those younger members of our community a great way to have new experiences that all contribute to a great CV for potential employers. There are different ways you could volunteer your time, particularly if you have specific experience or skills that would help us in our everyday operations. You could:
- Help out on individual events. We need a minimum of four (often 7) volunteers for every activity we produce: we have roles across our live events and cinema programmes that include Box Office, ushering, serving on the bar or if you have particular technical skills, helping with our live streaming or projectionists for our cinema. For this vital assistance, you are able to enjoy the live event for free.
- Being a very small team, we constantly have tasks that could be taken on by volunteers on a more regular basis. Maybe you could spare an afternoon a week, or a day a month that you could assist us with some operational and planning tasks? Whatever your skills, we’re sure we could do with your help.
To sign up as a Volunteer, use the button below and fill out the online form.
It’s something none of us like to think about, but leaving even a small amount in your Will makes a lot a difference to a charity like ours.
Make a donation
Like any charity, we welcome any donations, however small. All the pennies add up, and help support the activities that we work hard to provide within our community. Donations can be made in many different ways:
- Contact us for our bank details, and make a direct transfer
- Speak to a member of staff at one of our performances.
- Add a donation when purchasing tickets to our events via TicketSource
Become a host
Do you have a spare room or can accommodate a guest for a short period of time. Our group of hosts generously welcome course tutors and artists for COfO or the broader organisation into their homes for the duration of a course or for the night of a performance. For more information or to chat about what this would entail please contact and one of us will be in touch.
Support a student (COfO)
Offer a bursary to help support a less fortunate student attending one of our organ courses
Business support in kind
There are many ways that local businesses might be able to help us; through skills, discounts or support in kind. Even the simple act of buying advertising space in one of our publications. If you would like to offer support please feel free to contact us, and we can discuss in what way you might like to get involved.
Become an event sponsor
In order to keep our ticket prices as low and accessible as possible we welcome financial support from individuals or businesses who feel they would like to support our activities in a more formal way. Packages vary depending on individual events, but do please get in touch for more information. For businesses, we’re open to discuss the ways in which our organisation can provide you with exposure.