Following on the heels of a most successful night of comedy in January, at the time of writing we have just two tickets left for the next event on the 21st March. Details and tickets are available from
If you are unlucky and can’t get a ticket and would like to be put on the reserve list, please email quoting March Comedy in the subject header. You will then be put on a waiting list should there be any cancellations.
Party at the Wharf tickets are now on general release
Headlining will be Bootleg Blondie supported by the Vintage Rock’n’Roll Band and Disarray.
Further details
Hold the date for the following events
Friday 30th May – Bamboozle and the T100’s
Saturday 5th July – Ronnie Scott’s All Stars
Thursday 14th August – Lunchtime Concert
Further details on how to book tickets will be in the March newsletter.
Creative Oundle Cinema Club: Resurrection
Do you remember Oundle Cinema? If you used to come to the Stahl usually on a Sunday night to watch a movie and have been wondering why you can’t do that any more please read on.
Without going into the various practical reasons why, we had to stop offering Oundle Cinema in the old way. Instead, and thanks to a team of five committed movie fans, we may be able to offer everyone the chance to join the Oundle Cinema Club.
The story so far
The five volunteers are currently running a short season of three movies to test the market for a Club. 25 Founder Members have paid £25 for two tickets to each of the three movies.
If you are one of the club Founder Members then you know all about it and can stop reading now.
If you aren’t and are wondering why this is the first time you have heard about the club, that’s entirely because the 25 were so keen to sign up that we simply didn’t need to advertise.
The offer had to stop at 25 because 50 (two tickets each) is the capacity of the room the Club Team has been using at Fletton House.
Your chance to see the third movie
On 19 March the third movie will be shown at the Queen Victoria Hall. More people can be accommodated there than at Fletton. Some members return their tickets for non-members to use. If you would like to come please email the Cinema Club team now on
The movie? It’s The Theory of Everything, about Professor Stephen Hawking. Made in 2014, mainly set in Cambridge, it’s a remarkable and life-affirming story.
What happens next?
Once the test season is over the Club Team will be reporting in detail, together with their proposals for the future. Here at Creative Oundle we are looking forward to discussing their paper at our April Board Meeting.
Volunteer opportunities
We are always grateful to our band of enthusiastic volunteers who give so much of their time and energy ensuring Creative Oundle continues to provide an exciting programme of events all year round to our community. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Lynne at or contact us via our website Alternatively, should you wish to help out on planning and organising an event then please email The work is not onerous and you get the enjoyment and satisfaction for helping a good cause.
Our website
If you haven’t taken a look at our website yet it is worth a look as it is updated regularly and contains all our events along with those in the community. Go to
Community Events
There are many other events happening in our lovely town – see the posters for details below, look on our website for more details, or visit the Love Oundle website which provides details of all sorts of activities including those below.
Your support helps us continue our mission of promoting the arts and fostering creativity within our community.
Warm regards from the Creative Oundle Team
Oundle has a calendar full of delights over the coming months, so scroll on down to find out more, or browse full listings on our website: